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中华临床实验室管理电子杂志 ›› 2014, Vol. 02 ›› Issue (04) : 47 -52. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5820.2014.04.010


黄佳斯1, 李晶1, 陈若虹2, 胡敏2,()   
  1. 1.410011 湖南省长沙市第三人民医院检验科
  • 收稿日期:2014-11-09 出版日期:2014-11-28
  • 通信作者: 胡敏

The serum lipid levels analysis in 7671 adults of Hunan region

Jiasi Huang1, Jing Li1, Ruohong Chen2, Min Hu2,()   

  1. 1.Department of Clinical Laboratory,the Third Hospital of Changsha,Changsha 410011,China
    2.Department of Clinical Laboratory,the Second Xiangya Hospital,Central South University,Changsha 410011,China
  • Received:2014-11-09 Published:2014-11-28
  • Corresponding author: Min Hu

黄佳斯, 李晶, 陈若虹, 胡敏. 湖南地区7671名成人血脂水平分析[J/OL]. 中华临床实验室管理电子杂志, 2014, 02(04): 47-52.

Jiasi Huang, Jing Li, Ruohong Chen, Min Hu. The serum lipid levels analysis in 7671 adults of Hunan region[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Laboratory Management(Electronic Edition), 2014, 02(04): 47-52.




随机选取2014年1至9月中南大学湘雅二医院体检者7 671名,男4 471名,女3 200名,男女各分为6个年龄组,并检测其血清甘油三酯(triglyceride,TG)、 总胆固醇(total cholesterol,TC)、 低密度蛋白胆固醇(low density lipoprotein cholesterol,LDL-C)和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(high density lipoprotein cholesterol,HDL-C)水平; 同时,分析比较不同性别和年龄组间的血脂水平及血脂异常率的差异。


湖南地区成年男性TG[1.45(1.01~2.19)mmol/L]、 TC[4.85(4.28~5.44)mmol/L]、 LDL-C[2.82(2.35~3.31)mmol/L]显著高于女性TG[0.96(0.70~1.38)mmol/L]、TC[4.69(4.14~5.32)mmol/L]、 LDL-C[2.62(2.15~3.14)mmol/L,U值分别为26.665、 5.454、 8.577,P均﹤0.05]; 而男性HCL-C水平[1.19(1.06~1.35)mmol/L]显著低于女性[1.43(1.26~1.63)mmol/L,U=-38.82,P﹤0.05]。 成年男性总血脂异常率41.3%,显著高于女性(17.8%,χ2=475.606,P﹤0.05)。 而在同年龄组比较中,男性60岁前总血脂异常率都显著高于女性(χ2值分别为161.864、 226.879、 180.711、36.000,P均﹤0.05)。 随年龄增长,男性50岁前血脂总异常率显著升高(χ2值分别为6.753、 10.299,P均﹤0.05),最高为47.3% (40~49岁组),60岁后显著降低(χ2值分别为12.722、 11.347; P均﹤0.05); 女性血脂总异常率随年龄增长显著升高(χ2值分别为9.351、 16.224、 39.357、 7.956,P均﹤0.05),60~69岁达41.0%,之后显著下降(χ2=6.696,P﹤0.05)。


湖南地区成人血脂水平随年龄增长而升高,且在中老年阶段达到峰值; 年龄和性别是血脂水平分布的重要相关因素,中老年男性和绝经期后女性血脂异常率较高,应特别注意该类人群血脂水平监测和血脂控制,以预防和降低发生心血管病的风险。


To study the serum lipid levels distribution in adults with sex and age in Hunan area,and provide a reference for cardiovascular disease prevention.


7 671 people were selected randomly from the Physical Examination Central,the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University from January to September 2014.All research individuals were divided into 6 groups by age and gender. Sera triglyceride (TG),total cholesterol (TC),low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C),high density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C)were detected.then analysis and compare the levels of lipid profiles and the dyslipidemia with genders and ages.


In Hunan province the TG,TC,LDL-C of adult male[1.45(1.01-2.19)mmol/L,4.85(4.28-5.44)mmol/L,2.82(2.35-3.31)mmol/L]were significant higher than adult female [0.96 (0.70-1.38) mmol/L,4.69 (4.14-5.32) mmol/L,2.62 (2.15-3.14)mmol/L,U=26.665,5.454,8.577; P﹤0.05].Adult male HDL-C [1.19 (1.06-1.35)mmol/L]was lower than adult female [1.43(1.26-1.63)mmol/L,U=-38.82,P﹤0.05]. The total dyslipidemia rate of adult male was 41.3% which was significant higher than the females(17.8%,χ2=475.606,P﹤0.05).Beside,in the same age group(younger than 60 years old),the total dyslipidemia rate was significant higher than females' (χ2=161.864,226.879,180.711,36.000; P﹤0.05).With the growth of age,the total dyslipidemia rate in male,who under 50 years old,significant increase(χ2=6.753,10.299; P﹤0.05),the highest was 47.3%(Age between 40-49 years old group),and decrease after 60 years old(χ2=12.722,11.347;P﹤0.05).In the female group,with the growth of age,the total dyslipidemia rates are increase(χ2=9.351,1016.224,39.357,7.956;P﹤0.05)too,reach 41.0%high in the 60-69 years old group,and decrease significantly after 69 years old group(χ2=6.696, P﹤0.05).


The levels of lipid profiles in adults among Hunan province are increase by the age growth and reach the vertex in the age group of 40-49 for male and 60-69 for female.The age and the gender are key factors that affect the levels of lipid profiles distribution. Dyslipidemia is more likely found in middle-aged men and post-menopause women;more attention should be paid in lipid level control to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

表1 不同性别同年龄组或同性别不同年龄组血脂水平比较[mmol/L,M(P25~P75)]
男性 4 471 1.45(1.01~2.19) 4.85(4.28~5.44) 2.82(2.35~3.31) 1.19(1.06~1.35)
<30岁组 604 1.19(0.84~1.72) 4.45(3.92~5.03) 2.62(2.17~3.13) 1.19(1.06~1.35)
30~39岁组 1 119 1.48(1.04~2.21)a 4.83(4.28~5.40)a 2.82(2.35~3.30)a 1.19(1.06~1.32)
40~49岁组 1 059 1.68(1.15~2.46)a 4.99(4.42~5.54)a 2.88(2.41~3.34) 1.18(1.05~1.33)
50~59岁组 922 1.58(1.11~2.37) 4.98(4.40~5.60) 2.85(2.41~3.39) 1.19(1.05~1.34)
60~69岁组 507 1.35(0.98~2.02)a 4.84(4.32~5.48)a 2.82(2.37~3.31) 1.24(1.07~1.41)a
≥70岁组 260 1.11(0.83~1.66)a 4.77(4.19~5.34) 2.86(2.23~3.30) 1.28(1.13~1.44)a
女性 3 200 0.96(0.70~1.38)c 4.69(4.14~5.32)c 2.62(2.15~3.14)c 1.43(1.26~1.63)c
<30岁组 636 0.73(0.59~0.94)b 4.30(3.85~4.77)b 2.32(1.93~2.74)b 1.46(1.29~1.65)b
30~39岁组 842 0.83(0.63~1.12)ab 4.47(3.96~4.96)ab 2.42(2.01~2.90)ab 1.46(1.28~1.64)b
40~49岁组 743 1.02(0.76~1.43)ab 4.74(4.22~5.31)ab 2.66(2.23~3.13)ab 1.41(1.23~1.60)ab
50~59岁组 588 1.22(0.93~1.92)ab 5.25(4.65~5.86)ab 2.99(2.49~3.51)ab 1.42(1.25~1.63)b
60~69岁组 283 1.36(1.03~1.91)a 5.45(4.70~6.15)ab 3.11(2.54~3.65)ab 1.43(1.25~1.62)b
≥70岁组 108 1.27(1.00~1.78)b 5.11(4.39~5.73)ab 2.86(2.35~3.43)ab 1.40(1.22~1.56)b
表2 湖南地区各年龄组血脂异常率分布[%(n/N)]
分组 总异常率(%) TG异常 TC异常 LDL-C异常 HDL-C降低
边缘升高 升高 边缘升高 升高 边缘升高 升高
男性 41.3 15.6(699/4 471) 23.3(1041/4471) 27.0(1208/4471) 7.7(345/4471) 18.2(812/4 471) 4.4(196/4 471) 22.7(1017/4471)
<30岁组 34.1 11.3(68/604) 14.1(85/604) 17.1(103/604) 4.3(26/604) 12.3(74/604) 3.5(21/604) 23.0(139/604)
30~39岁组 40.5a 16.3(182/1 119)a 23.6(264/1 119)a 24.7(276/1 119)a 7.6(85/1 119)a 17.8(199/1119)a 4.5(50/1 119) 22.9(256/1119)
40-49岁组 47.3a 17.2(183/1 059) 30.0(318/1 059)a 31.2(330/1 059)a 9.2(97/1059) 19.4(205/1059) 4.6(49/1059) 24.3(257/1059)
50-59岁组 46.9 16.7(154/922) 27.5(254/922) 30.2(278/922) 10.2(94/922) 20.1(185/922) 5.5(51/922) 23.9(220/922)
60-69岁组 37.1a 15.0(76/507) 19.3(98/507)a 28.4(144/507) 6.1(31/507)a 19.1(97/507) 3.7(19/507) 20.5(104/507)
≥70岁组 25.0a 13.8(36/260) 8.5(22/260)a 29.6(77/260) 4.2(11/260) 20.0(52/260) 2.3(6/260) 15.8(41/260)
女性 17.8c 7.2(229/3 200)c 8.6(274/3 200)c 23.2(742/3 200)c 7.1(228/3200) 13.8(440/3200)c 3.8(123/3 200) 5.1(163/3 200)c
<30岁组 5.5b 2.4(15/636)b 1.3(8/636)b 9.4(60/636)b 0.9(6/636)b 6.1(39/636)b 0.8(5/636)b 3.0(19/636)b
30-39岁组 9.9ab 4.5(38/842)ab 3.3(28/842)ab 14.5(122/842)ab 3.1(26/842)ab 7.5(63/842)b 1.8(15/842)b 4.3(36/842)b
40-49岁组 16.7ab 6.6(49/743)b 8.5(63/743)ab 24.5(182/743)ab 5.2(39/743)ab 14.0(104/743)ab 3.0(22/743) 5.8(43/743)b
50-59岁组 31.3ab 10.9(64/588)ab 18.9(111/588)ab 39.3(231/588)ab 13.8(81/588)ab 24.7(145/588)ab 6.6(39/588)ab 6.1(36/588)b
60-69岁组 41.0a 17.7(50/283)a 17.0(48/283) 38.9(110/283)b 22.6(64/283)ab 23.3(66/283) 12.4(35/283)ab 7.4(21/283)b
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