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中华临床实验室管理电子杂志 ›› 2015, Vol. 03 ›› Issue (02) : 77 -82. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5820.2015.02.004


赵梦1, 虞倩1, 郭玮1,()   
  1. 1.200032 上海,复旦大学附属中山医院检验科
  • 收稿日期:2015-05-19 出版日期:2015-05-28
  • 通信作者: 郭玮
  • 基金资助:

The research progress of clinical application on circulating tumor DNA

Meng Zhao1, Qian Yu1, Wei Guo1,()   

  1. 1.Department of Laboratory Medicine, Zhongshan Hosptal, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China
  • Received:2015-05-19 Published:2015-05-28
  • Corresponding author: Wei Guo

赵梦, 虞倩, 郭玮. 循环肿瘤DNA临床应用的研究进展[J/OL]. 中华临床实验室管理电子杂志, 2015, 03(02): 77-82.

Meng Zhao, Qian Yu, Wei Guo. The research progress of clinical application on circulating tumor DNA[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Laboratory Management(Electronic Edition), 2015, 03(02): 77-82.

循环肿瘤DNA(circulating tumor DNA, ctDNA)是一类源于肿瘤细胞的双链DNA片段。研究证实肿瘤患者ctDNA所携带的肿瘤基因组信息与肿瘤组织具有良好的一致性,能克服常规肿瘤组织活检所无法突破的肿瘤异质性问题。通过对外周循环样本进行ctDNA检测,能帮助实时动态监测肿瘤原发灶及转移复发灶基因组信息,协助早期诊断、疗效监测、预后判断,也有助于靶向治疗适应症的评估,从而推进精准医疗的实施。作为“液体活检”新手段,ctDNA检测在肿瘤诊疗领域具有广阔应用前景,也是推动肿瘤基础研究进展的重要助力。

Circulating tumor DNA is a kind of double stranded DNA fragments released by tumor cells. Numerous studies have confirmed that the genetic massage by ctDNA in tumor patients has good consistency with the tumor tissues, which can overcome the unsolvable issue of tumor heterogeneity. The ctDNA analysis of peripheral circulation samples can be used to monitor mutation changes of the primary as well as tumor metastasis and recurrence during the course of disease, and provide complementary tools in early diagnosis, monitoring the therapeutic responseand prognosis of cancer, especially for the patients who have received targeted therapies,thereby promoting the implementation of precision medicine. As a new method as liquid biopsy, ctDNA detection not only has broad application prospects in the field of diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients, but also is an important impetus to promote the progress of basic tumor research.

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