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中华临床实验室管理电子杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (04) : 221 -225. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5820.2017.04.006

所属专题: 文献


李欣1, 李建盈1, 邢萌1, 张丽冉1, 谢风祥1, 王新国1, 毕春蕊2, 彭德志2, 祁德波1,()   
  1. 1. 250101 济南金域医学检验中心病理室
    2. 济南金域医学检验中心实验室
  • 收稿日期:2017-07-03 出版日期:2017-11-28
  • 通信作者: 祁德波

An improved method for production of cell blocks with egg white

Xin Li1, Jianying Li1, Meng Xing1, Liran Zhang1, Fengxiang Xie1, Xinguo Wang1, Chunrui Bi2, Dezhi Peng2, Debo Qi1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Pathology, Jinan KingMed Diagnostics, Jinan 250101, China
    2. Department of Laboratory Medicine, Jinan KingMed Diagnostics, Jinan 250101, China
  • Received:2017-07-03 Published:2017-11-28
  • Corresponding author: Debo Qi
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Qi Debo. Email:

李欣, 李建盈, 邢萌, 张丽冉, 谢风祥, 王新国, 毕春蕊, 彭德志, 祁德波. 蛋清细胞块制作方法的改良[J]. 中华临床实验室管理电子杂志, 2017, 05(04): 221-225.

Xin Li, Jianying Li, Meng Xing, Liran Zhang, Fengxiang Xie, Xinguo Wang, Chunrui Bi, Dezhi Peng, Debo Qi. An improved method for production of cell blocks with egg white[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Laboratory Management(Electronic Edition), 2017, 05(04): 221-225.

现用的细胞块技术操作复杂、耗时较长,组织块成型不理想,切片制作困难,进而影响常规苏木素-伊红(hematoxylin-eosin,HE)染色和辅助诊断方法(免疫组化和分子病理检测等)的应用。而在细胞学标本离心沉淀后,用8%蛋清浸泡并用10%中性福尔马林固定处理,仅耗时3 h左右,即可制备成有一定韧性,不易破碎的细胞块。该细胞块既可同外科手术标本一样进行包埋、切片和HE染色,也可进行免疫组化染色和分子病理检测。这种改良的蛋清细胞块制作简便、无需特殊设备和试剂,值得应用推广。

So far the existing cell block technique is complex and time-consuming, and the tissue block formation is not satisfying, This makes cell block section difficult and affects the application of routine hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining and auxiliary diagnostics (immunohistochemistry and molecular pathological examination, etc.). We report a simple method to produce cell blocks. The cells are centrifugated and then soaked in 8% egg white, and then fixed with 10% neutral formalin. It only takes about three hours to produce cell blocks with good flexibility and unbreakable property. The blocks can be embedded, sectioned and stained with HE just like the surgical specimens, and molecular pathological examination also can be conducted. This improved method is easy to operate and no special instruments or reagents are needed. Thus, it is valuable for popularization and utilization.

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图3 宫颈癌前病变患者液基细胞学标本改良蛋清细胞块检测效果图
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