To isolate and confirm the reduced carbapenem susceptible Enterobacter aerogene with NDM-1 (New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamas-1) in Hainan.
The positive Enterobacter aerogene strains, which had the ability to hydrolyzing Imiperem and Meropenem, were discerned by BioMerieux API 20E identification system and automatic VITEK-2 dentification system. The production of metalloprotease carbapenemase was measured synergically using imipenem/imipenem+EDTA paper method. The specific NDM-1 genes was identified by sequencing of products by polymerase chain reaction(PCR) amplification.
From ten to four positive strains were identified as metalloprotease carbapenemase positive in 10 imipenem or meropenemresistant Enterobacter aerogene by imipenem/imipenem+EDTA paper method. One strain was confirmed as NDM-1 positive strain by PCR sequencing.
One Enterobacter aerogene strain carrying blaNDM-1 gene was identified in Hainan.
Key words:
Resistance of Carbapenems drugs,
New Delhi metallo-beta lactamas 1,
Tianjiao Li, Qiang Zhang, Shengmiao Fu, Xuming Wang, Tao Huang, Huiqun Fu. Separation for one strains New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamas-1 gene of Enterobacter aerogene in isolated Hainan of China[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Laboratory Management(Electronic Edition), 2015, 03(02): 110-113.