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中华临床实验室管理电子杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (04) : 240 -244. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5820.2017.04.010

所属专题: 文献


王磊1, 王红春1, 李培余1, 孙文利1, 刘红星1,()   
  1. 1. 065201 河北燕达陆道培医院临床药理室
  • 收稿日期:2017-07-25 出版日期:2017-11-28
  • 通信作者: 刘红星

Comparison of blood concentration monitoring of Cyclosporine A in bone marrow transplant patients by two methods

Lei Wang1, Hongchun Wang1, Peiyu Li1, Wenli Sun1, Hongxing Liu1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Hebei Yanda Ludaopei Hospital, Sanhe 065201, China
  • Received:2017-07-25 Published:2017-11-28
  • Corresponding author: Hongxing Liu
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Liu Hongxing, Email:

王磊, 王红春, 李培余, 孙文利, 刘红星. 两种检测骨髓移植患者环孢素A血药浓度方法的比较[J/OL]. 中华临床实验室管理电子杂志, 2017, 05(04): 240-244.

Lei Wang, Hongchun Wang, Peiyu Li, Wenli Sun, Hongxing Liu. Comparison of blood concentration monitoring of Cyclosporine A in bone marrow transplant patients by two methods[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Laboratory Management(Electronic Edition), 2017, 05(04): 240-244.


探讨化学发光微粒子免疫(chemiluminescence microparticle immunoassays, CMIA)法与电化学发光(Elecsys)法检测骨髓移植患者全血中环孢素A(Cyclosporine A, CSA)浓度的相关性,为临床用药方案调整提供依据。




CMIA法和Elecsys法检测结果线性相关性方程为Y=1.4618 X-2.2309,相关性较好(r=0.9105);CMIA法测定CSA(195.75 ng/ml)>Elecsys(135.44 ng/ml);CMIA测定CSA的最佳均值为181.97 ng/ml,Elecsys法为117.49 ng/ml。且两种方法检测CSA呈对数正态分布,其换算系数为1.55。据骨髓移植患者CMIA法的临床参考范围150~250 ng/ml,可得Elecsys临床参考范围为100~200 ng/ml。




To discuss the correlation of chemiluminescence microparticle immunoassays and Elecsys for the determination of blood concentration of cyclosporine A (CSA) in bone marrow transplant patients, providing the basis for the adjustment of clinical medication regime.


Whole blood samples of 83 patients underwent bone marrow transplant were randomly collected and determined by CMIA and Elecsys respectively. The difference and correlation of 2 kinds of determination methods were investigated.


The linear correlation of CMIA and Elecsys results was good and the regression equation was Y=1.4618X-2.2309 (r=0.9105). CSA determination results by CMIA (195.75 ng/ml)>Elecsys(135.44 ng/ml); CSA mean best estimate by CMIA (181.97 ng/ml) and Elecsys(117.49 ng/ml); The results of the two methods are logarithmic normal distribution, and the conversion coefficient is 1.55. According to the clinical reference range (150-250 ng/ml) of CMIA method of bone marrow transplant patients, the clinical reference range of Elecsys was 100-200 ng/ml.


Both methods are feasible for blood concentration monitoring of CSA but there are difference in determination result. Great importance should be paid to CSA monitoring method reference interval in the adjustment of medication method in the clinic.

图1 两种方法检测CSA血药浓度质控图
图2 两种方法测定CSA的结果散点图
图3 两种方法检测CSA浓度结果经对数转换后的频率分布直方图
图4 加权残差(WRES)对CMIA法测定值的散点图(n=83)
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