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中华临床实验室管理电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (03) : 162 -169. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5820.2024.03.007

所属专题: 经典病例


张冬雷1, 刘晓燕1, 吴三云1, 周怡1, 张岘1,()   
  1. 1. 430071 湖北武汉,武汉大学中南医院血液内科
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-23 出版日期:2024-08-28
  • 通信作者: 张岘
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(82000127); 武汉大学第二临床学院本科生临床实践教学资源建设项目(2023BK020); 武汉大学医学部教学研究项目(2024YB32)

Clinical and genetic analysis of a inherit factor Ⅻ deficiency pedigree and analysis of factor Ⅻ deficiency in the Chinese population

Donglei Zhang1, Xiaoyan Liu1, Sanyun Wu1, Yi Zhou1, Xian Zhang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Hematology, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan Hubei 430071, China
  • Received:2024-01-23 Published:2024-08-28
  • Corresponding author: Xian Zhang

张冬雷, 刘晓燕, 吴三云, 周怡, 张岘. 一例遗传性凝血因子Ⅻ缺乏症家系报道及中国人群凝血因子Ⅻ缺乏症分析[J/OL]. 中华临床实验室管理电子杂志, 2024, 12(03): 162-169.

Donglei Zhang, Xiaoyan Liu, Sanyun Wu, Yi Zhou, Xian Zhang. Clinical and genetic analysis of a inherit factor Ⅻ deficiency pedigree and analysis of factor Ⅻ deficiency in the Chinese population[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Laboratory Management(Electronic Edition), 2024, 12(03): 162-169.






先证者为37岁女性产妇,孕期前无临床出血或血栓形成病史,产前检查结果显示活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)>120 s,FⅫ活性(FⅫ:C)及抗原水平(FⅫ:Ag)均为1%,基因测序检测携带F12基因c.303_304del:p.His101Glnfs*36和c.1092dupC:p.Lys365Glnfs*69复合杂合突变,行剖宫产手术过程中以及围手术期均无过量出血。先证者的父亲、母亲、哥哥、长女、次女及儿子均为杂合突变携带者,FⅫ:C及FⅫ:Ag存在不同程度的降低,但均无异常出血史或血栓病史。文献复习共筛选45篇中英文文献,共计报道87例中国人群遗传性FⅫ缺乏症患者,临床表现方面未见明显的临床出血或是血栓形成倾向。所有患者中共计报道F12基因突变42个,突变种类以错义突变比例最多(23个,52.4%);突变分布上以催化区(Peptidase S)结构域最常见(23个,52.4%);检出比例最高的为c.1681G>A:p.Gly561Ser突变(16例,19.3%),其次为c.1561G>A:p.Glu521Lys突变(12例,14.3%)。




To analyze the clinical phenotype and genetic testing results of a patient with inherit factor Ⅻ (FⅫ) deficiency, and to explore the clinical and molecular biological characteristics of FⅫ deficiency in the Chinese population.


Clinical case data were collected from proband with inherit FⅫ deficiency, and coagulation function-related laboratory tests and gene analysis were performed on family members. Additionally, literature searches were conducted in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database, Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform, and PubMed database for relevant Chinese and English literature on FⅫ deficiency in the Chinese population, with the search period up to September 30th, 2023. The findings summarized the clinical manifestations, laboratory characteristics, and gene mutation features of FⅫ deficiency patients in the Chinese population.


The proband was a 37-year-old female parturient, with prenatal examination results indicating an activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) exceeding 120 s, and factor Ⅻ activity (FⅫ:C) and antigen levels (FⅫ:Ag) both at 1%. The proband showed no history of clinical bleeding or thrombosis before pregnancy, and there was no excessive bleeding during the process of cesarean section surgery or the perioperative period. Gene sequencing revealed F12 gene compound heterozygous mutations, c.303_304del:p.His101Glnfs36 and c.1092dupC:p.Lys365Glnfs69. The proband's father, mother, brother, eldest daughter, second daughter, and son were all carriers of one heterozygous mutation, with varying degrees of reduction in FⅫ:C and FⅫ:Ag. A literature review identified 46 Chinese or English articles reporting a total of 87 cases of FⅫ deficiency in the Chinese population. There were no apparent clinical bleeding or thrombotic tendencies in terms of clinical manifestations. Among all patients, 42 F12 gene mutations were reported, with missense mutations being the most common (n=23, 52.4%). The catalytic (Peptidase S) domain was the most frequently affected structural domain (n=23, 52.4%). The most frequently detected mutation was c.1681G>A:p.Gly561Ser (n=16 cases, 19.3%), followed by c.1561G>A:p.Glu521Lys (n=12, 14.3%).


This study reports a case of inherit F Ⅻ deficiency with compound heterozygous mutations in the F12 gene, along with familial characteristics. The study summarizes the clinical features and analysis molecular biological characteristics of F12 gene mutations in the Chinese inherit FⅫ deficiency population, and provide a foundation for future systematic research.

图1 遗传性Ⅻ缺陷症患者家系图
表1 遗传性FⅫ缺陷症家系成员表型及基因型检测
图2 2个F12基因移码突变Sanger测序 注:2A. F12:c.303_304del突变与野生型对照;2B. F12:c.1092dupC突变与野生型对照。
图3 中国人群遗传性凝血因子Ⅻ缺陷症患者遗传特征分析 注:3A. 在69例检测到基因突变病例中,F12基因突变的合子类型;3B. 在39例父母为非近亲婚配且检测到基因突变的病例中,F12基因突变的合子类型;3C.中国人群F12基因突变类型;3D. 中国人群F12基因突变位置分布;3E. 已报道在检出例数≥2的患者中检出的F12基因突变。
图4 中国遗传性FⅫ缺乏症人群中F12基因突变信息及分布 注:E表示外显子(exon);Sig表示信号肽区域;Fib-Ⅱ表示纤维连接蛋白区Ⅱ;EGF-Ⅰ表示表皮生长因子区Ⅰ;Fib-Ⅰ表示纤维连接蛋白区Ⅰ;EGF-Ⅱ表示表皮生长因子区Ⅱ;Kringle表示Kringle结构域;Pro-rich表示富脯氨酸区;Peptidase S表示催化区。
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